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Driving Sustainability at Chrysler with Orbit™ Recycling Stations

Chrysler are a true American brand. In 1924, they developed their first innovative and affordable “luxury” car, the Chrysler Six, and since then they have continued to grow as a leading brand and innovator in the automotive industry.

As well as holding high-quality design, performance and innovation at its core, Chrysler values the importance of social and environmental responsibility. To further their commitment to sustainability, Chrysler chose the Glasdon Orbit™ Recycling Bag Holders to create dedicated recycling stations within their Mopar distribution centers.

Orbit Trash Bag Holders ion location at Chrysler

Developing Sustainable Mobility

The research and development activities of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) focus on reducing the environmental impact of their vehicles. From the use of raw materials to the vehicle end-of-life, FCA are constantly striving to minimize their environmental footprint. In 2016, they implemented over 4,400 new environmental projects at their plants worldwide.

Chrysler's partnership with Canine Companions pooch

Chrysler have even partnered with Canine Companions to help people with disabilities gain greater independence. Foley is the official Chrysler “PacifiPuppy” training to become an assistance dog with the Canine Companion program. This highlights the level of importance placed on both environmental and social responsibility by the company.

The FCA brand is an advocate of the circular economy as they recognize the importance of recovering and recycling materials to create a sustainable future. Their vision for sustainability and innovation go hand-in-hand and can be seen throughout all stages of the product research and development process.

Much like Chrysler, we are passionate about sustainability and minimizing our environmental footprint. Where possible, we aim to use sustainable materials and manufacture products which are recyclable at the end of their long service-life.

Driving Waste Management

In 2016, FCA achieved a 5.5% total reduction in waste generated. At their South American FCA Plants, 105,000 tons of waste was generated in 2016. 100% of this waste was reused, meaning zero waste was sent to landfill. We are hopeful that our Orbit bag holders will help them to replicate these figures at their Mopar distribution centers across North America.

Geared for Zero Waste with the Orbit bag holders

For their distribution centers, Chrysler opted for the Orbit bag holders in 4 separate waste streams: metal recyclables, trash, paper and plastic. There are many benefits of multi-stream recycling programs including improving the quality of the recycled materials. Choosing specific waste streams will also allow Chrysler to easily monitor the collected materials, helping them become one step closer to reaching their zero waste goals.

Front on view of Orbit Recycling Bag Holders at Chrysler

Having a color-coded recycling system helps users to quickly and easily identify the waste stream of each container. This is an ideal solution for fast-paced environments such as warehouses, distribution centers and factory plants. Available in a variety of colors and waste streams, the Orbit bag holders can be sited together to create the ideal commercial recycling station. Chrysler color-coded their Orbit bag holders so that frequent users could easily associate the chosen colors with each specific recyclable waste stream.

The Orbit recycling bag holders offer flexibility in siting as they can be wall- or post-mounted. This allows you to site your recycling containers in the most suitable location - perfect for busy warehouses!

Chrysler chose to fix their Orbit recycling bag holders to the end of one of the warehouse aisles to create a convenient, easily-accessible recycling station for employees.

Glasdon Orbit Recycling in yellow for plastic bottles  

Benefits of the Orbit Recycling Bag Holder

  • Unique bag holder system
  • Strong and durable construction
  • Flexible fixing options for wall or post mounting
  • Color-coded recycling graphics and lids
  • Anti-flyposting and anti-graffiti features
Find out more

Reverse Cigarette Litter at Work

Recycling isn’t the only way for businesses to contribute to a greener environment. Cigarette disposal is another important factor for businesses but thankfully, there are steps you can take to help reduce cigarette litter in the workplace.

Chrysler also recently ordered Ashguard SG™ and Ashmount SG™ cigarette receptacles to create designated smoking areas and reduce cigarette litter within their business. The Ashguard SG can hold over 3,000 cigarette butts making it an ideal choice for busy workplaces whilst the Ashmount SG is a wall-mounted cigarette receptacle, suitable for placing in space-restricted areas for an unobtrusive solution to cigarette waste.

The journey to creating a greener, more sustainable working environment can be as simple as making a few small changes in how you manage waste in the workplace.

To find out more about waste management in the workplace and how to create the ideal recycling station for your industry – please contact us or talk to us on LiveChat today!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Green Web Foundation