Knowledge Hub

Ashguards in Downtown Denton

Keep Denton Beautiful (KDB) is a community-based volunteer organization that engages local neighborhoods, businesses and residents of all ages in creating a clean and beautiful Denton.

Ashguard Cigarette Unit on sidewalk

Ashguard™ Cigarette Unit in Denton’s downtown area

With support from a Keep America Beautiful grant, KBD implemented the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program to help raise public awareness of the problem of cigarette butt litter and to actively reduce litter in the Denton community. We were happy when KDB chose our Ashguard™ Cigarette Units to place in their downtown area to encourage visitors to dispose of their cigarette waste safely.

Ashguard front on view

Personalized instructional decals with KDB logo

KDB opted for personalized decals that act as a polite reminder to extinguish cigarettes before throwing them away as well as to encourage users to put unwanted trash in the nearest trash can or recycling container. The contemporary and sleek design of the Ashguard™ Cigarette Unit makes it ideal for public spaces and coordinates easily with existing outdoor furniture and surroundings.

We’re happy we could support the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program and help to keep Denton looking beautiful.

Design features of Ashguard™ Cigarette Unit

Ashguard smoking unit in use outside building


Contemporary & stylish design

Easy to empty

Personalize with company logo

Ideal for outdoor public areas

Learn more

For more information on our cigarette receptacles, please get in touch!

Email us | Call us Toll Free on 1-855-874-5273 | LiveChat with us on our website

Thursday, June 2, 2016
The Green Web Foundation