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Guardian™ Planted in North America's Oldest Botanic Garden

The Guardian™ 24 Life Ring Cabinet will ensure life preservers are highly visible for all visitors exploring the riverside at Bartram's Garden.

Guardian Life Ring Cabinet

Located in Southwest Philadelphia, Bartram's Garden is a 50-acre home for horticulture, the first nationally landmarked landscape, and the oldest surviving botanic garden in North America. As the garden is situated beside the Schuylkill River and features a public dock where visitors can enjoy boating and fishing, adequate water safety was required.

A highly visible and reliably durable protective station for USCG-approved life ring or torpedo buoy, the Guardian™ Life Ring Cabinets are the ideal addition to water safety, and the perfect fit for Bartram’s Garden. Available in two sizes – either the Guardian™ 24” Life Ring Cabinet or Guardian™ 30” Life Ring Cabinet, with an optional choice of life ring or buoy.

The Cabinets have been strategically placed in popular areas along the river to protect and serve guests of the gardens. Additionally, they have been securely fitted using a below-ground fixing post, ensuring they remain strong against the elements for years to come.

Exploring Bartram's

The botanic garden itself was established by the Bartram family in the 1700s, designated a public park by the city of Philadelphia in 1891, and has been preserved ever since then by descendants of John Bartram himself.

Today, the Garden welcomes more than 100,000 annually, sustained by dedicated volunteers, professional staff, and visionary partners. Whilst it features a whole host of activities and areas to explore, they invite you to find your own path, favorite plant, or place of discovery.

See how you can explore the land and river of Bartrams Garden.

Always on Duty

The Guardian Life Ring Cabinets feature a built-in Ropemaster™ Quick Release Rope Management system, which aids the quick and easy deployment of the life ring and rope. Optional security features include an Alarm Holder used to fix a theft alarm or an anti-tampering alarm to the cabinet to prevent vandalism or theft of the equipment.

Manufactured from Durapol™, the cabinets provide unmatched protection from adverse weather conditions that it will surely face during its time around wet conditions. In case of water exposure, the watertight seal drastically minimizes the damage to both rope and buoy, whilst the strong door knuckle and corrosion-resistant hinge rod ensures the product stays perfectly intact.

Guardian Life Ring by the River

Guardian Life Ring Cabinets should be placed at intervals of 164 feet to meet ILO safety standards and 200 feet to meet OSHA regulations.

Thursday, September 1, 2022
The Green Web Foundation