Labor Day is almost here and marks the last big weekend of the Summer. So, it’s time to celebrate with one last Summer cookout or beach trip before settling back into routine for fall.

This Labor Day Weekend, make sure your celebrations are green with these 5 tips:
Send out e-invites
Get your Labor Day party off to an eco-friendly start by sending out e-invites. It’s a modern and fun way to let guests know that you’d like them to join you in celebrating this weekend!
If you really want to send out paper invitations to you friends, family and neighbors, why not add a note to the bottom reminding people to pop their invitations in the paper recycling bin after the party is over?
Grill green
If you’re planning to have a barbecue this weekend, make it a green grill! Although it can be tempting, don’t overcook food at your cookout. If you do have leftovers after the party, save them for the next day or see if guests want to take anything home with them to snack on.
To help make your grill green this Labor Day, be sure to compost organic waste and use reuseable or compostable cutlery. You can also encourage guests to recycle bottles, cans and cartons with mixed beverage container recycling bins.Take the party outside
Why not celebrate nature this Labor Day Weekend? You could visit a national park or get everyone involved in some outdoor activities for a breath of fresh air. Just remember to leave the outdoors as you found it and take any trash with you to put in the nearest trash can.
Buy local
It’s always good to support your local businesses. You can reduce your carbon footprint this Labor Day Weekend by shopping local product and meats for your barbecue, picnic or family meal. You could even buy local for decorations or try your hand at making your own!
Don’t forget to save food scraps for composting with our food waste containers and keep hold of your decorations for next year’s party.
Eco-friendly lighting
Add some ambience to the party with solar lights or candles. Solar lights are a great eco-friendly way to light up the party.
If you decide to use battery operated lights, please remember batteries are hazardous so shouldn’t go in the trash can. Instead, keep hold of your batteries until you next visit your local store so they can be deposited in a designated battery recycling bin.
Follow these 5 simple tips to have a great, green Labor Day party this weekend. All you need is a little planning and thought to be able to throw an eco-friendly party. Throwing a green party will encourage your friends and family to follow suit as they see how easy it is to be green!