Knowledge Hub

[Infographic]: Our Eco-Conscious Favorites and Best Sellers

Sustainability is often at the forefront of many corporate strategies, but it can be difficult to establish the best initiatives to suit your organization. Glasdon recognizes that the recyclability and environmental impact of a product is often a determining factor when making decisions.

We’re passionate about supplying stylish and contemporary products that help organizations extend their sustainability, which is why, where possible, we innovate, design, and manufacture products to contain recycled or environmentally conscious materials and to be 100% recyclable at the end of their service life.

Here are some of our favorites and best sellers.

Our eco-conscious favorites banner on a blue backgroundTopsy Jubilee™ 29 Gallon Trash CanNexus® City 64G rangeGlasdon Jubilee™ 29G Trash CanNexus® 26G - 26 Gallon Recycling ContainersNexus® 8G Battery Recycle BinNexus® 8G Food Waste Recycling Bin

To learn more about our environmentally conscious products, get in touch with us today.


Call: (Toll-free) 1-855-874-5273

Or use the live chat facility on our website.

Posted originally on 21 June 2016
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

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