With technology on the rise, batteries have become a staple of everyday life. According to EPA, 2.9 billion batteries are sent to landfill in the US alone.
Batteries contain heavy metals such as lead, zinc and mercury, which are considered hazardous to the environment when improperly disposed of. That’s why it’s more important than ever to recycle batteries. So, what are the benefits of recycling spent batteries?

Reducing Waste Sent to Landfill
Despite most types of batteries being recyclable, research suggests that only 10 – 12 per cent of batteries sold annually in North America are recycled. By recycling used batteries you can help to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
Preventing Pollution
Due to the heavy metal content, discharged batteries sent to landfill can corrode, releasing toxins into the air and land. These toxins can be harmful for the environment, highlighting the importance of battery recycling in order to prevent water, land and air pollution.
Conserving Natural Resources
There is a finite amount of natural resources so it is our duty to protect these natural resources from further depletion. Batteries are produced from natural resources of metal elements such as lead, lithium, nickel and other rare earth elements. Scientific research claims that recycling batteries can save a great 51.3 per cent in natural resources. This means that recycling batteries will contribute towards conserving our natural resources, saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Producing New Products
Give used batteries a new lease of life by recycling them. Recycled batteries can be repurposed to create new batteries or other appliances. Although they may seem small, some components of batteries can be used by the steel industry to create an array of products, such as new cars.
Generating New Jobs
By committing to recycling you are helping to create new jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in the United States. Prospective findings from a 2011 study suggests achieving a 75 per cent diversion rate for municipal waste by the year 2030 will generate 2.3 million jobs within the recycling industry in the U.S. Given the ability of recycling to generate jobs, responsibly recycling batteries will positively impact both the economy and the environment.
Discover our range of recycling containers for batteries and start doing your part to create a sustainable environment with just one small battery at a time!