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What do I need to know about Future-Ready Recycling Bins?

Change is constant and so it’s important that your trash cans and recycling bins are able to stand the test of time. To help you keep up with the moving times, we’ve answered all your questions about future-ready trash cans and recycling bins.

Future ready recycling bins list

FAQ - What are Future-Ready Recycling Bins?

Future-ready trash cans and recycling bins are designed to to keep up with inevitable changes to the waste and recycling industry. This ensures that your waste management program remains flexible and up-to-date at all times.

Whether you’re looking for recycling bins for your office, school, downtown area or even your city park – we’re confident that future-ready bins will benefit you. Future-ready recycling containers can help you achieve your zero waste goals and save money.

FAQ - What Are The Benefits Of Future-Ready Recycling Bins?

Nexus 8G Future Ready Recycling Bins

Future ready recycling containers provide a flexible solution to trash. Thanks to transitional features such as interchangeable aperture and signage, these recycling bins can be adapted for the waste streams most needed in your recycling program.

Being able to modify your recycling bin to keep up with the changing waste and recycling legislations will ensure your waste diversion and recycling rates remain high, no matter what changes come into effect.

Future-ready recycling bins can also be used to create a centralized recycling station. This helps make recycling convenient for employees, visitors and citizens. Improving the convenience of recycling can increase recycling rates and help break down barriers by making recycling a normal behavior for all.

FAQ - How Many Waste Streams Should My Future-Ready Trash Cans Have?

The number of waste streams your future-ready trash can needs depends on a variety of factors.

Waste stream requirements can be influenced by:
  • The size and type of business
  • Where the trash cans will be sited
  • Recycling legislations of your city or state
  • Frequency and ease of collection

But with future-ready recycling bins, choosing the right waste streams is a simple task.

Nexus 52G Future Ready Recycling Bins

At Glasdon, we offer dual recycling bins with 1, 2 or 3 compartments to allow you to collect up to three separate waste streams in one container. This space-saving solution enables the collection of multiple waste streams without the need for multiple containers.

Alternatively, using multiple recycling containers, instead of one single unit for all recyclable waste, can allow you to grow your recycling program as time goes on.

You may originally only need 1 or 2 recycling containers but as your business develops, these requirements may change. Having several recycling containers means you can easily add co-ordinating containers when your business or recycling program expands.

FAQ - Can Future-Ready Recycling Containers Save Me Money?

In short – yes!

Future ready recycling containers allow you to change streams whenever needed.

Nexus 26G Future Ready Recycling Bins

The flexible nature of future-ready recycling bins means you may never need to buy a regular trash can again. Simply being able to adapt your existing recycling bins rather than having to buy new each and every time your recycling program changes will save you and your business money.

Future-ready recycling bins also encourage the correct disposal of waste. Helping divert recyclable materials from landfill can save you money by reducing the frequency of costly landfill collection.

FAQ - Which Future-Ready Trash Cans and Recycling Bins Should I Buy?

There’s a whole host of trash cans and recycling bins out there, making it easier than ever to find the right size, style and color trash can for your environment.

Future-ready recycling bins need to be able to stand the test of time, so design and construction should always be taken into consideration. Most Glasdon recycling bins are manufactured from robust Durapol™ material which is both weather- and vandal-resistant to ensure longevity. The sleek design of our recycling bins also ensures they blend seamlessly into any environment.

Nexus City 64G Future Ready Recycling Bins

The Nexus 26G® recycling container is the ideal indoor recycling bin for future-ready recycling. This recycling bin can be sited side-by-side or back-to-back with other Nexus 26G containers.

If you’re looking for outdoor trash cans, we recommend the Glasdon Jubilee™ 29G trash can for downtown areas and business districts or the Nexus City 64G for large or busy outdoor environments. Both of these trash cans feature interchangeable openings and are also available with poster-frame kits to allow signage to easily be updated.

FAQ - How are Glasdon Recycling Bins Future-Ready?

We want to make sure you get the best possible use out of your chosen Glasdon products and so we always strive to ensure that our recycling bins are Future-Ready and able to keep up with the changing times.

Nexus 26G Future Ready Recycling Bin

At Glasdon, we pride ourselves on offering transitional recycling bins. Glasdon recycling bins are available to purchase with stream-specific apertures or lids to help prevent cross-contamination and encourage the correct disposal of waste. These apertures can easily be replaced if your requirements change, allowing you to adjust your recycling bin as and when you need to.

To help further facilitate your current recycling program, we provide recycling bins with decals to suit a range of standard waste streams. We understand that not everyone has the same needs when it comes to recycling and that’s why we also offer you the option to add personalized decals to collect your own non-standard waste streams, such as pizza boxes or sunglasses!

We can also supply new replacement decals if your required recycling streams change.

To maximise recycling, we offer sign kits or poster frame kits for many of our recycling bins. Sign kits are a great way to provide passersby with easy-to-see, visual information about your recycling program and the accepted waste streams.

One of the benefits of sign kits and poster frame kits is that they can easily be altered to show new posters or decals meaning your signage will evolve with your recycling program as it develops and changes over time. This signage can be used to promote what's most important to your business, including highlighting new waste streams, providing insight on the progress of your recycling program or answering FAQs once the program has been implemented ( name a few).

To learn more about our Future-Ready Recycling Bins or how you can make your waste management program future ready – get in touch with us on LiveChat or by email today!

Friday, March 9, 2018
The Green Web Foundation